Mums Matter online program: FINDING CALM IN THE CHAOS

Giving you tools, strategies and support to parent with confidence, calmness and connection through the chaos of modern parenting.


Are you a busy mum who is doing all the things, trying not to yell, reading all the parenting stuff and still struggling with daily battles, constant chaos and the juggling act that is modern parenting?

You sometimes feel like the only way to get through is to yell and you are left feeling crap as that’s not the parent you want to be.

Imagine feeling energized and equipped, and like you have the mental capacity to deal with the everyday challenges of parenting in the digital age.

Introducing the Mums Matter; Online Program for the Good Enough Parent designed to give you the tools and knowledge to build a stronger more connected relationship with your kids, help you find your calm, improve your well-being and equip you with a host of strategies to improve your communication and relationship with your child.

Let me help you on this journey from feeling at your wits end and on repeat, to feeling calm, connected, and empowered while nurturing resilient and well-rounded children.

It’s all possible with our guidance and support.









Mums Matter Program Investment: 

Normally $397

Now $297

Payment plan available.

What You Will Get

Online Course

4 easy to follow modules to do in your own time, when it suits you.

5 Group Coaching Calls

Live group coaching and answering any questions you may have.


Support you to complete the course and guide self reflection.

2 Bonus Modules

That provide practical ideas  that support resilience & screen challenges.

Through the Mums Matter program, you will experience support and guidance on how to navigate the challenges of raising children in a digitally-connected world, gain practical tools and strategies to help your kids develop resilience, all while learning the importance of prioritising guilt-free self-care time in your day for your own well-being.

What is Covered


WELL-BEING: Parenting is demanding and chaotic and having the capacity to cope, means we need to have some fuel in the tank. This model considers the Māori health and well-being model, Te Whare Tapa Wha, to help us identify how and what we can do to improve our own well-being.


CALM: This module introduces the W3C model and is focused on understanding yours and your children’s brain, emotions and behaviours, what thier needs are during big emotions and giving you some strategies to find your calm in those moments. Through regulating our own emotions we are setting a strong foundation for supporting our children’s own emotional development.


CONNECTION: Building strong relationships with your children is a key protective factor in building resilience. This module explores what connection is, how to build strong relationships with kids and how to connect when our kids are having big emotions. Connection before correction is a key concept we unpack.


COMMUNICATION: When parents and children are regulated they can then communicate much more effectively. This module unpacks a number of communication strategies that you can hold in your back pocket to pull out when needed. We also look at our language and how to set limits and maintain connection. Role modelling good healthy communication techniques will serve our children well in their future.


RESILIENCE: Here we unpack the research on resilience and provide mums with some practical ways of building resilience in their children through concepts like mastery, problem-solving skills, time and space and  ideas for introducing new experiences and challenges to your children.


SCREENS: Addressing the topic of screens and technology, this module examines the research around screen time for kids, and the impact of the content consumed. Screens are here to stay so this module is about awareness, education, finding a healthy balance with screen time, and fostering open communication about safety and online behaviour.

How it Works


Register for the Mums Matter Online Program.


Check your inbox for your welcome email and save our email address to your safe list.


Save the dates of live zoom coaching calls in your calendar. Reminders of all zoom calls and links will be sent out via email and recordings available on the online portal.


Access to online course starts on Monday 9th September – email sent out with link to course.


Course finishes on 3rd November.

About Me

I’m Celia Hogan, an education specialist and trained parenting coach, helping raise resilience and well beings through connection, nature and play. With 25+ years in the education and outdoor sectors, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges parents face.

I have a real passion for supporting parents to be more playful, connect with confidence to their kids and help them to advocate for their children in an education setting – especially the kids who are often referred to as ‘naughty’. They’re not!

With my husband, we are good enough parents to two spirited children, one of which is neurodiverse and we love creating memories while having adventures in nature.

What People Say

Truly amazing course with such real life content and so many ah-ha moments. I love how the course makes you think about not only your parenting but yourself as a person and has helped me to make positive changes to how I prioritise myself which has had an amazing effect on how I parent and interact with my family and friends as a whole. I would highly highly recommend this course to all busy mums. The sessions are short and easy to fit into daily life and there is support available throughout the course.

Kirsty - Parent

Celia, you have a wealth of knowledge. I have hugely benefited from this course and I highly recommend it to any parent or teacher wanting to improve/better themselves for their family and or work. It has been helpful to me not only as a parent, but as a teacher aswell. All the modules are well put together and go deep into who we are, how we think and what we do. Before doing this course, I was a stressed out/ overwhelmed mumma. After doing this course, I find I am alot calmer, less stressed/overwhelmed, can think about things more clearly, look out for my wellbeing as well as others and just have a more positive outlook on life. Absolutely fantastic course! 



Who is it aimed at? 

The course is aimed at mums of children aged up to approx. 10-12 years old.

How much time will it take?

Each module will take up to 1 hour on average. This will be made up of shorter videos, a guidebook and application into your everyday life. On top of this there are 4 zoom group coaching sessions.

When do I get access to the course?

Everyone gets access to the online course when they register but officially doesn’t start until the start date. 

How do I access the course?

You will set up your login details when you register and an automatic email will send out your login details when you register. You will also get a welcome email – please save this. You can email if you have any problems or don’t get these emails.

How do I access the private Facebook group?

You will be sent a welcome email with the link to the Facebook group there. Make sure you save our email address.

When are the zoom calls?

Zoom calls are on the following dates and times (8th, 23 Sept, 14 Oct, 10 Nov ). All sessions will be recorded so if you can’t attend live you can watch when it suits you. Zoom link will be sent via email and also in the online course pages.

Mums Matter Program Investment: 

Normally $397

Now $297

Payment plan available.